HR 2.0 Trainer Consultant
HR 2.0 consultant, I work mainly in Lyon, Qualiopi bilingual English, Paris and Marseille as a 2.0 recruitment expert for SMEs and large groups as a recruitment 2.0 expert speaker. My expertise enables me to show companies how to develop their recruitment how to develop their recruitment strategies and use digital tools for both and for employer branding. As an experienced experienced trainer, I can help them understand how best to use these tools to get the best results. My experience also enables me also provide advice on how to optimize resources in order to maximize the maximize the return on investment of recruitment activities.
I have in-depth knowledge of new technologies such as AI, machine learning, Big Data and social media, which I apply when offering training sessions and workshops on topics related to recruitment 2.0. My courses aim to develop appropriate solutions adapted to each corporate context, while promoting innovation and sustainable development. The scope of my interventions includes strategic analysis, integrated workflow design integrated workflows, optimization of recruitment practices and technologies practices and technologies, and the implementation of best practices for digital digital talent acquisition strategies. As an HR 2.0 Consultant, I’m also available to run workshops and seminars workshops and seminars on topics related to Recruitment 2.0, including AI, machine learning, Big Data and social media. My courses are designed to help employers create an effective talent acquisition process tailored to their specific needs. I believe in promoting innovation and sustainable development through the effective use of technology. In addition to my training activities, I offer consulting services to companies companies wishing to develop or optimize their recruitment strategies and recruitment strategies and processes. As part of these projects, I can support clients by help them identify areas for improvement, develop appropriate solutions adapted to each context, while promoting innovative approaches and innovative approaches and efficient recruitment processes. Last but not least, I’m available to speak at conferences and events related to recruitment 2.0 in France and abroad. My presentations focus on the challenges of digital transformation for how new technologies can be used to facilitate their recruitment processes. to facilitate their recruitment processes. Through my speeches, I want to share my knowledge and experience with those those wishing to leverage technology to improve their talent acquisition talent acquisition activities. My mission is to help companies evolve through the use of effective while promoting innovation and sustainable development. development. By understanding the needs of each company, I strive to provide a tailor-made solution that helps them achieve the desired results as as quickly as possible. Contact me today if you need help to develop or optimize your recruitment practices!My HR 2.0 Trainer content
HR 2.0 in two words
HR 2.0: the company’s response to this multiple phenomenon. A web-savvy HR function – how could it be otherwise? how could it be otherwise, when the web has become the universal universal playground? An HR function that makes available, as seamlessly as possible all the resources needed to help businesses and employees and employees in the collaborative management of their human capital for example, in the form of portals supporting development, performance employee development, performance and career advancement performance and career development; portals integrating internal information flows or from social networks, where employees can keep their profiles, not to say activity logs. A HR function that reduces constraints to a non-negotiable minimum non-negotiable minimum, particularly in terms of regulatory compliance. A forward-looking HR department, focusing on the governance and of a virtually unique program: attracting, retaining and developing and develop talent in ever-closer association with the business. business.
On a day-to-day basis, the Human Resources function tackles tasks that can be grouped into 4 main areas. axes. Recruiting employees Recruiting an employee means finding a match between the company’s needs and an individual’s skills. of an individual. Having identified its staffing needs, the company must formulate its expectations and the skills required to meet them. to meet them. Once this job description has been drawn up, the candidate will be selected on the basis of their current skills, but also on the ease with which but also on the ease with which they can acquire other skills in the future, should the the company needs them.
Employee compensation For a long time, human resources management limited to the payroll department. But compensation has a double dimension: it’s a cost for the company (we talk about costs); but it is also a motivating factor for the employee. for the employee. Salary is therefore the balance between these two forces these two forces: upward for the employee, downward for the company. for the company. Remuneration is not limited to a fixed salary: part of the salary may be depends on the employee’s performance (variable part). variable). It may also include remuneration in kind, such as a company car cell phone, life insurance, etc. Forward-looking management of employment and skills Personnel management is not limited to a single point in time. The Human Resources must take into account the company’s future needs. needs. Scenarios for the company’s future are therefore drawn up. drawn up. These scenarios highlight the company’s personnel requirements. The Human Resources function then defines actions required to meet these needs: recruitment of external staff, training of in-house personnel, use of subcontractors, etc. subcontractors, etc. Improving working conditions The management of working conditions has long focused on risk management and workplace safety. safety in the workplace. The aim was to reduce work-related work-related accidents and illnesses. This purely physical approach psychological approach. The working conditions now concern stress and employee motivation. and motivation. The less stressed an employee is, or the more motivated he or she is motivated an employee is, the better he or she will perform within the company.Human resources, commonly referred to by the acronym using the acronym “HR”, refers to the corporate department department responsible for personnel management. HR is organized around a single goal: to harmonize relations between employers and to harmonize relations between employers and employees, to promote both the latter’s personal development and the company’s success. and the company’s success. To this end, they put in place the processes and systems that make it possible to manage the workflow. In other words, they manage the company’s “human capital”. on a macro level, but also on a day-to-day basis. In the long In the long term, the human resources department is responsible for to ensure that the company has the skilled workforce it needs for its smooth operation. It is also responsible for and willingness to perform to the best of their abilities. the best of their abilities.
Depending on the company’s size or sector of activity, the size of the HR department, which takes on a wide range of variety of tasks. Two main functions stand out with : An operational one, focusing on personnel management, in particular by ensuring that the right number of staff is allocated in accordance with needs
A functional role, aimed at smoothing communication within the communication within the company and to support employees in their their developmentHR 2.0 Training content
Recruitment issues Different social media
The concept of e-reputation Using online recruitment Key figuresPersonal branding Employer Brand: Professional Pages, Presentations
Professional Community: How to leverage your ecosystem to recruit to recruit?Focus on Viadeo and LinkedIn: how to use them to recruiting? Boolean search
What is Boolean search? How do I use Google? In what way?Consumer networking: what about Facebook and Twitter? Classic job boards
Newcomers (Qapa, Yatedo, le Bon Coin, etc.)A look at the consequences of recruitment for company and candidates How to make the most of preparing for recruitment interviews recruitment
The recruitment process, the interview matrix-guide from reception to conclusion Welcoming the candidate: the importance of the first few minutes the candidate’s initial reactions to establish good communication communication and keep control of the interview
Understanding the topics to be addressed and their chronology Respect the structure of the interview, the topics to be covered and the questions to ask Analysis of student and professional background The different interview techniques: indirect techniques and decoding responses Learn how to formulate questions: open-ended, closed, directed, etc. Observation of verbal and non-verbal behavior Identify attitudes and defenses, manage blocks and difficulties of expression difficulties Check the answers given by the candidate Assess the candidate’s real motivations and expectationsObjectively sorting out applications Make a concerted, well-argued decision
Set up an application follow-up file